"A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality" (John Lennon)

Friday, September 28, 2012

Let's become tourist guides

Some days ago I explained to the students in Lugnano the project activities they are going to do within the eTwinning project "Let's become tourist guides". They were happy to start the project and some of them have already begun to write their introduction on TwinSpace that is the virtual place where they will meet friends from several countries of Europe.

The project idea is to present the most important sights and tourist attractions of our country to the partner schools. We will make paper booklets and send one of them to every partner school. There are 12 schools involved so every partner will get 12 booklets. We will build a European corner in the language room of our school and put there a big map of Europe and the booklets. The students will learn to know interesting new things about Europe and will learn to present their own country as well.

Here is the list of all the schools involved in the project. 

The main objectives of the project are:

- Students get motivated to use and study English.
- The students' language skills and English vocabulary get better. 
- Students learn to tell in English about the most important sights and tourist attractions of their own country. 
- The map of Europe gets more concrete to the pupils and after the project they will be more aware of the European countries and their location. 
- They will notice how culturally and historically wonderful and significant sights there are all over Europe and learn to respect both their own culture and different cultures. 
- Students will experience the importance and the happiness of getting to know students from different countries.

This is another map with the schools we are working with.

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