"A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality" (John Lennon)

Monday, May 6, 2013

Questions in circle again

The end of the school year is approaching really very fast and the students will have both the Trinity exams and the end of year exam. So to keep on practicing and reviewing what we did in English this morning they played the game again.
The difference was that there were two circles and each circle had different questions to ask so that they could change areas to practice.
They walked and when I clapped my hands they stopped and asked each other questions.

Here are the two lists I gave my students.

LIST n. 1

Where did you go on holiday?
When did you go?
What was the place like?
Who did you go with?
Where did you stay?
What was the weather like?
What did you do?
What did you visit?
What did you buy?
Did you like the holiday? Why?
What about your next holiday, when and where are going to?
Who are you going with?
How are you going to travel?
How far is it and how long is it going to take?
Where are you going to stay?
What are you going to see and do?
What are you going to visit?
What are you going to buy?
Do you like shopping?
What do you like buying, why?
Did you buy anything new last week? What did you buy?
What do you like buying?
Who do you go shopping with? When and where do you go shopping?
Do you shop online? Do you prefer shopping online or going to a shop?
Do you like waiting in line?
Do you like trying on clothes?
How often do you go shopping?
What is your favourite shop?
Do you like window shopping?
Are you going shopping next weekned? What are you going to buy? Why?
 School and work
What's your dad/mum's job?
What does a doctor, secretary, teacher, fireman, postman, shop assistant, lawyer, ... do?
Where does a doctor, secretary, etc. work?
Where does your mum/dad work?
What subjects do you study at school?
What subject do you like studying? Why?
What are you good at?
What is your school timetable? (what time do you start ....)
What is your school like?
What job are you going to do in the future?
What are you going to do after school?
What do you like eating? Why?
How often do you eat vegetables/fruit?
Do you prefer eating meat or fish? Why?
What is your favourite food? When did you first eat it?
What do you usually eat for breakfast/lunch/dinner?
What is a typical food of your country/village?
Can you cook?  What can you cook?  How do you cook it?
Do you like shopping for food?
What food you don’t like? Why?
What food would you like to try?
How ofteh do you go to a restaurant/fast food?
 Weekend and seasonal activities
What do you usually do at weekends?
What did you do last weekend?
Who do you usually stay with at weekends?
What do you usually do in spring/winter/summer/autumn?
What are you going to do next weekend?
What are you doing next weekend?
How often do you go to the cinema/theatre ?
How often do you havea a pic-nic?
How often do you …….?
 Hobbies and sports
What do you collect?
How often do you play tennis, golf, basketball, football, volleyball, chess?
How often do you practice it?
When did you start playing football (or another sport)?
How often do you go to a museum?
What sport can you play?
Can you play it well?
Do you like football (or any other sport)?
Why don’t you like football (or any other sport)?
What is your hobby?
When did you start your hobby?
Would you like to start a new hobby/sport?

LIST n. 2
 Where do you go to school?
How do you get to school?
What time do you start school?
What time do you finish school?
What's your favourite day at school?
What are your favourite subjects?
What are you good at?
What is your teacher of Italian/English … like?
Do you like Maths/English/French....?
Family and home life
Can your mother cook?
Does your dad eat cereals?
Who clean the house?
Who cook at home?
Have you got brothers and sisters?
What's your brother's/sister's name?
How old is he/she?
Have you got pets?
How many members are there in you family?
How many people live in your house?
 Free time
What do you do in your free time?
What is your favourite sport?
What did you do last summer?
What is your favourite free time activity?
What is your favourite music?
Who is your favourite singer/actor/actress/football player....?
Do you like playing volleyball?
Do you practice a sport?
What sport do you practice?
When and where do you practice it?
 Weather, times and dates
What's the weather like today?
What was the weather like yesterday?
What's the weather like in autumn/winter/spring/summer in Italy?
When were you born?
When is your birthday?
When is Christmas/Easter/St. Valentine's day....?
What's the date today?
What time is it?
What time do you go to school?
What time do you have the break at school?
 Daily routine
What time do you get up?
What time do you have breakfast/lunch/dinner?
What do you usually have for breakfast/lunch/dinner?
What time do you usually go to bed?
What do you usually watch on TV?
What's your favourite programme?
What time do you do your homework?
What do you usually do after school?
What is your mother's/father's job?
What does a teacher do?
Where does a doctor work?
What is your favourite job?
What job would you like to do?

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