"A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality" (John Lennon)

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

School is cool: etwinning project 15-16 in class III As

"School is cool" is the title of the etwinning project we are involved in this school year in class III As in Stroncone.

This is the certificate of our project that involves schools in France, Croatia and Poland.

The main aims of the project are:

- improving the communication skills of our pupils in English.

- improving their digital skills
- promoting active citizenship

The following pictures is an overview of the activities that students will carry out during the school year.

During the last few weeks 3rd year students accessed the twinspace (the online site of the project), created their profile using voki, sent messages to their partners, viewed the French students' videos and vokis, uploaded some photos of their schools. 

In the following weeks we will finish the work we have already started about our school: the students will take pictures of the different classrooms, describe them in a video. 

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