"A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality" (John Lennon)

Monday, December 30, 2013

Flat Stanley around Europe (etwinning project)

This year students of class II A are involved in a very interesting etwinning project called "Flat Stanley around Europe" 
Stanley is the name of a character created by the American writer Jeff Brown. It is a story of a young boy who becomes flat because his bulletin board fall over him one night. So when he wakes up he is flat and he can travel in an envelope and he can discover the world! 

The main aims of this project are :
- to develop communication skills in a foreign language;
- to share information and learn how to connect on a virtual world;
- to improve ICT skills;
- to improve mutual comprehension and knowledge between European countries in order to overcome stereotypes and learn to be tolerant;
- to encourage pupils to know each other better and maybe become friends. 

The teachers, the schools and the countries involved in the project are: 

Each school has created a Flat Stanley and each month sends him/her to another country, so that Stanley can see where the students live, go to school, and experience a bit of their lives too.

In September, after having read the story, all the pupils created their Flat Stanley 

and then we chose one of them to be our Flat Stanley.

So far we have welcomed three Stanleys: from France, 

from Portugal 

and from Norway 

and we have sent our Stanley to Slovenia, Romania and Spain. 

All the Stanleys travel in an envelope with their travel journals where each school write info on the students, on the country and on the activities Stanley has during the time he/she is in a country. 

We have aslo created a poster where we stick each Stanley on his country so that we can see where he comes from at a glance. 

When a Stanley comes to Italy he/she has the chance of being at school with us, having lunch in the school canteen, visiting the school, the students and the teachers' families and experiencing Italian life!

Translation Competition 2013-2014 part V

Chapter V by January 10th

 Chapter IX-X by January 10th

Article by January 10th

Chapter V by January 10th

Friday, December 20, 2013

Che piacevole Inferno!

Qualche mattina fa, entrando a scuola, mi sono imbattuta con una nuova "opera d'arte" e, vedendo le lucine rosse, ho subito pensato fosse un addobbo natalizio.

Guardando poi con più attenzione mi sono resa conto che la scultura rappresentava l'Inferno, sì, proprio l'Inferno di Dante Alighieri!

Davvero un'idea originale e coinvolgente realizzata dalla prof.ssa Silvia Bombara, collega di Lettere, insieme agli alunni della classe II A di Giove.

 Dopo aver fatto qualche foto con gli alunni anche noi prof. e il collaboratore si lasciano immortalare in un momento di divertimento, perché anche a noi piace giocare!

"ll bambino che non gioca non è un bambino,
ma l’adulto che non gioca ha perso per sempre
il bambino che ha dentro di sé".

premio nazionale etwinning 2013 agli alunni della III A di Giove

Oggi, finalmente, gli alunni della III A della scuola secondaria di primo grado di Giove, hanno ricevuto il premio nazionale etwinning 2013 per il progetto "A song a month", consegnato loro dal Dirigente Scolastico Giovanni Simoneschi durante la manifestazione natalizia.

Inoltre siamo anche sul Corriere dell'Umbria di oggi con questo articolo che sottolinea il lavoro svolto dagli alunni.

Per l'articolo ringraziamo il giornalista e la redazione che sono sempre disponibili a dare voce alle esperienze significative dei giovani.

Per ulteriori info su questo progetto ecco alcuni link:




Thursday, December 19, 2013

Let's sing Mandela!

Today the students of class III A and tomorrow the other third year students will talk about Nelson Mandela and find out more on his life together with the teachers of English and of History.

These are the songs they are going to listen to and to sing:

(by Simple Minds, 1988)

It was 25 years they take that man away
Now the freedom moves in closer every day
Wipe the tears down from your saddened eyes
They say Mandela's free so step outside
Oh oh oh oh Mandela day
Oh oh oh oh Mandela's free

It was 25 years ago this very day
Held behind four walls all through night and day
Still the children know the story of that man
And I know what's going on right through your land

25 years ago
Na na na na Mandela day
Oh oh oh Mandela's free

If the tears are flowing wipe them from your face
I can feel his heartbeat moving deep inside
It was 25 years they took that man away
And now the world come down say Nelson Mandela's free

Oh oh oh oh Mandela's free

The rising suns sets Mandela on his way
Its been 25 years around this very day
From the one outside to the ones inside we say
Oh oh oh oh Mandela's free
Oh oh oh set Mandela free

Na na na na Mandela day
Na na na na Mandela's free

25 years ago
What's going on
And we know what's going on
Cos we know what's going on

"Gimme Hope Jo'anna"
(by Eddy Grant 1988)
Well Jo'anna she runs a country
She runs in Durban and the Transvaal
She makes a few of her people happy, oh
She don't care about the rest at all
She's got a system they call apartheid
It keeps a brother in a subjection
But maybe pressure will make Jo'anna see
How everybody could a live as one

Gimme hope, Jo'anna
Hope, Jo'anna
Gimme hope, Jo'anna
'Fore the morning come
Gimme hope, Jo'anna
Hope, Jo'anna
Hope before the morning come

I hear she makes all the golden money
To buy new weapons, any shape of guns
While every mother in black Soweto fears
The killing of another son
Sneakin' across all the neighbours' borders
Now and again having little fun
She doesn't care if the fun and games she play
Is dang'rous to ev'ryone

Gimme hope, Jo'anna
Gimme hope, Jo'anna
Gimme hope, Jo'anna
'Fore the morning come
Gimme hope, Jo'anna
Gimme hope, Jo'anna
Hope before the morning come

She got supporters in high up places
Who turn their heads to the city sun
Jo'anna give them the fancy money
Oh to tempt anyone who'd come
She even knows how to swing opinion
In every magazine and the journals
For every bad move that this Jo'anna makes
They got a good explanation

Gimme hope, Jo'anna
Gimme hope, Jo'anna
Gimme hope, Jo'anna
'Fore the morning come
Gimme hope, Jo'anna
Gimme hope, Jo'anna
Hope before the morning come

Even the preacher who works for Jesus
The Archbishop who's a peaceful man
Together say that the freedom fighters
Will overcome the very strong
I wanna know if you're blind Jo'anna
If you wanna hear the sound of drum
Can't you see that the tide is turning
Oh don't make me wait till the morning come

Do give hope, Jo'anna
Gimme hope, Jo'anna
Gimme hope, Jo'anna
'Fore the morning come
Gimme hope, Jo'anna
Gimme hope, Jo'anna
Hope before the morning come

Gimme hope, Jo'anna
Gimme hope, Jo'anna
Gimme hope, Jo'anna
'Fore the morning come
Gimme hope, Jo'anna
Gimme hope, Jo'anna
Hope before the morning come

 Webquest on Nelson Mandela

Who was Nelson Mandela?
When was he born?
Where was he from?
Where did he live?
What was his job?
Why was and still is he important?
He was imprisoned, why? How long did he stay in jail?
What are the most important  achievements of his life?
 Find a sentence he said you like and write it.

These links can help you answer the questions, you can also find videos and pictures to look at.


Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Goodbye Nadja

Ieri pomeriggio a Guardea, presso la sala Consiliare, ci siamo ritrovati per salutare Nadja Skov Nielsen, l'Assistente Comenius che è stata con noi per due mesi e mezzo. Erano presenti gli alunni della scuola secondaria di I grado, alcuni genitori e professori, il sindaco e alcuni rappresentanti delle associazioni con cui la scuola collabora.
Ha aperto la cerimonia la prof.ssa Francesca Olivieri raccontando l'esperienza con Nadja sin dal momento della progettazione, sono poi seguiti alcuni messaggi degli alunni sia in italiano che in inglese, il saluto dell'amico e regista Massimo Manini e il discorso del Sindaco prof. Gianfranco Costa.
La presenza di Nadja per la scuola e per la comunità tutta è stata veramente preziosa perché ha dato a tutti la possibilità di confrontarsi con una cultura e una lingua diversa dandoci modo di "viaggiare" anche rimanendo in classe. Con Nadja gli alunni si sono affacciati a una finestra aperta che ha mostrato loro un panorama più ampio di quello cui sono abituati e che speriamo davvero non dimentichino, ma che continuino ad ammirare e a cercare di ingrandire attraverso la conoscenza e l'esperienza diretta grazie alle opportunità che l'Unione Europea ci offre. 

Ecco il video con i momenti salienti della cerimonia di questo pomeriggio.

Abbiamo chiesto a Nadja:

What are the advantages of being a Comenius assistant?
"Being a Comenius assistant has given me the opportunity to immerse myself in another culture and it has given me the advantage of experiencing different ways of doing things from the inside and thereby also understand the intentions behind different ways of teaching. When working with the pupils you learn a lot about language similarities and you learn a lot about yourself as a person too. Furthermore it is a unique opportunity to for the pupils to experience the authentic use of English in real everyday communication which is important for a future in an English speaking globalized world".

What will you take back home from this experience?
"During my stay the pupils, the teachers and I have created a lot of fantastic memories and experiences which I can take back home. I have learned a lot about the Italian culture regarding all the many positives but also about the challenges the Italian society and schoolsystem is facing these days. Thereby I also learned a lot about the positives and the challenges of my own culture. I was also inspired by different ways of teaching, for example the use of the programme eTwinning which is yet another great ressource available when teaching any subject.
I have had a once in a lifetime experience and I can only encourage other Italian and Danish schools to read about the programme and apply for an assistant so that other pupils, teachers and assistants can have the same amazing worth-while and educational experience".  

Nel video di seguito potete vedere ed ascoltare fantastiche assistenti Comenius e favolose prof. amiche che vengono intervistate e danno la loro opinione sull'esperienza che stanno vivendo!

Il video è stato realizzato dall'Agenzia Nazionale LLP durante l'incontro per gli Assistenti Comenius a Roma il 22 novembre 2013