"A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality" (John Lennon)

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Teenagers in Europe: an involving etwinning project in class IG.

Students of class I G of the school "L. Da Vinci - O. Nucula" in Terni are carrying on with their etwinning project called "Teenagers in Europe".
After celebrating the European day of Languages in September they have started to introduce each other in the TwinSpace of the project and got to know their Finnish peers.
They talked about their hobbies and pets using padlets as in the example below.

Creato con Padlet

Finnish students created surveys Italian students filled in and Italian pupils did the same so they came to know each other tastes better, in fact they talked about themselves, their possessions, their pets and hobbies, their reading habits and so on.

Here are the Finnish surveys:


Here is the Italian survey created by all the students during an English lesson using google forms:

To strengthen the link among them, they also exchanged messages in etwinning and wrote letters in the old way using paper and pen and of course received letters from Finland too as you can see in the video below. They loved this activities and all of them took part in it with enthusiasm.

Before Christmas they created and sent Christmas cards as well and Italian students prepared a surprise for their Finnish friends: a song in Finnish!

Cards from Finland arrived during Christmas holidays and when students get back to school next week will find a very nice surprise!

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