Here is the video where we say goodbye to our Turkish and Polish friends of the eTwinning project "Schools get together with history".
Welcome to teacher Chiara's blog! Questo blog è principalmente rivolto ai miei alunni con l'obiettivo di stimolare in loro interesse e curiosità per la lingua inglese che ci permette di comunicare con tante persone di culture diverse dalla nostra.
"A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality" (John Lennon)
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Practicing for the oral phase 3
Here are some questions on Mating Luther King, Rosa Parks, Nelson Mandela, the European Union.
Practicing for the oral phase 2
Here are some more questions.
Practicing for the oral phase
Exams are really near and students should be studying and reviewing what they have already done!
Here there are some questions to answer. Click on play, listen to a question, then pause the audio file and answer, after that start again and go on.
Friday, May 25, 2012
Giornata della legalità
Oggi, 25 maggio 2012, a Giove, abbiamo celebrato la Giornata della Legalità.
Il Comune, in collaborazione con la scuola, ha organizzato questa manifestazione a cui i nostri ragazzi hanno partecipato avendo, tra l'altro, l'opportunità di incontrare il presidente della cooperativa Lavoro e non solo che ha partecipato all'iniziativa. Gli alunni, coordinati dai docenti, hanno realizzato un video in cui commemorano Giovanni Falcone e Paolo Borsellino attraverso immagini, frasi celebri di discorsi e interviste ai due magistrati che sottolineano l'importanza fondamentale di vivere e operare in coerenza con i valori della giustizia, della democrazia, dell'onestà perché solo così è possibile sconfiggere "le mafie".
Dopo una tavola rotonda su queste tematiche, il Sindaco di Giove e gli alunni hanno scoperto la targa
che intitola la piazza ai giudici Falcone e Borsellino e vuole anche ricordare tutti coloro che sono caduti nella lotta contro la mafia.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Yesterday and today ways of communication ...
Class III D took part in the eTwinning project "Yesterday and today ways of communication" that gave all the students the chance of writing letters (using pen and paper) to French and Finnish teenagers. They had the opportunity of using the language to communicate with young people and know more about these two European countries. They experienced the joy of receiving a letter after having waited for a longer time than what they are used too with emails, text messages, facebook and so on.
So here I want to say
Here I share with you a video that shows our activities within this project
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Schools get together with history ...
Tomorrow students of II A will have the last chat with eTwinning friends of the project "Schools get together with history". We worked hard and with enthusiasm to carry out the activities we planned for this school year and now we are at the end of this wonderful adventure. We could meet new people and "see" a lot of new faraway places. We hope we will be able to travel to these towns and villages one day and to meet personally the friends who "grew up" with us this year.
Postcards project
Another eTwinning project is coming to an end. In fact we are now waiting for the 3rd and last postcards from all the schools which are part of this project. Meanwhile we made a video where we tell what we did and how we did it. The students of class I D liked this project very much and they worked all the year round with enthusiasm and they were willing to learn new things.
Here is our video
Here is our video
Monday, May 21, 2012
Penfriend Project 2011-2012

3rd year students of classes III A and III B have been writing letters to their Spanish partners having the chance of improving their writing skills but most important, having the opportunity of making new friends and of knowing a new culture. They enjoyed this project very much and, even though they weren't used to write using a pen and papers anymore, they were involved and very interested in the activity. As soon as I sent each envelope with all the letters they started asking me "teacher, when are we going to get our reply?" so they realized that an ordinary letter in not an email or a text message, nor a facebook comment and it takes time! But waiting a bit of time to get a letter from a new friends is really worthy and their smiles when I delivered the mail is something that made me think that, having them doing this activity was a right thing to do!
So ... we want to say a
to our Spanish penfriends!
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Translation Competition last part!
Here are the due dates for the work the 3rd year old students have to do for the tenth and last part of this activity:
III B: Flat Stanley, Chapter X by May 30th
III D: Flat Stanley, Chapter X by May 30th
III A: Mercy Watson, Chapter X by May 30th
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Exams ....
Here is the file with the program of the 3rd year exam. It is in Italian so you know what to review!
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Trinity Exams!
This morning some students of the Istituto Comprensivo di Attigliano came to Terni to take the Trinity Exam. Some other did it yesterday.
One by one all of them entered the room where the examiner, a very nice, kind and pretty teacher, asked them questions and they answered.
After the exam each of them came out of the room with a really beautiful smile and a very happy mood!
Later in the morning the results came and ... everybody passed!

Well done boys and girls, I'm very happy and proud of you too.
One by one all of them entered the room where the examiner, a very nice, kind and pretty teacher, asked them questions and they answered.
After the exam each of them came out of the room with a really beautiful smile and a very happy mood!
Later in the morning the results came and ... everybody passed!

Well done boys and girls, I'm very happy and proud of you too.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Europe Day
Last week I asked all my students to discover what 9th May is and here is the answer:
today is
Europe day
I put here the posters of this year both in English and in Italian.
In the pictures below you can find the explanation of the reason why 9th May has been chosen to become Europe day. You can also discover the other symbols.
I like to end this post with some music
So as today we celebrate Europe let's wish everybody
For more info on the European Union click here and you can find facts and events in English, but if you want you can also change language!
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
1st blog birthday!
It is a year I've been a blogger! I really enjoyed a lot writing things for my students here. I used this blog both as a "classroom" outside our school and as a way of telling students, parents, teachers what we do at school. I hope you took advantage of my job here and enjoyed it too.
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Trinity GESE 3 exams
Dear 3rd year students the exams are approaching and for those of you who are taking also the Trinity GESE 3 exam here are the pages of the Trinity Syllabus concerning your grade. Read them carefully and review all the topics we had already studied and reviewed in class.

You can also go to these old posts and practice a little bit more.
you can browse the blog and search for the topic you are interested in;
you can browse the blog and search for the topic you are interested in;
you can go to edmodo and click on the folder "exam preparation" too.
And now ... exercise and study!
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