"A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality" (John Lennon)

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

3rd Year Students Summer Homework

Cari alunni delle future terze, siete pronti per il rientro a scuola? Avete fatto tutti e dico TUTTI i compiti per le vacanze di inglese? Spero proprio di si! 

Vi metto qualche esercizio per ripassare il simple past

Vi ricordo inoltre che in questo blog ci sono altri post sempre sul simple past

And now get ready to tell a wonderful day or week of your holiday to the class. Here are some useful questions to organize your speech.

1. Did you enjoy your summer holiday? 
2. Where did you go?
3. What did you do?
4. What songs did you listen to?
5. What sport did you play?
6. Did you cook anything during summer holiday?
7. Who did you go with?
8. Where did you stay (hotel, bed and breakfast, camping site, etc)?
9. What time did you usually get up?
10. What did you do with your parents?
11. What did you do with your friends?
12. What TV programs did you watch?
13. What was the best thing that happened to you?
14. What food did you eat?
15. Did you write postcards to your friends?
16. Did you buy souvenirs?
17. Who did you buy souvenirs for?
18. Did you eat out (restaurant, pizzeria, fast food, etc.)?
19. What movies did you watch?
20. how much time did you spend chatting on facebook with your friends?
.......................... and anything else you can think of!

I'm really curious to hear about your "holidays"!

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