"A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality" (John Lennon)

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Xmas cards 2016

Students of class I H prepared Christmas cards together with the teachers of English and Art to be sent to their European friends of the eTwinning project "Let's celebrate the European Day of Languages with us!"
They described some Italian Christmas traditions and created beautiful cards, they also wrote greetings both in Italian and in English. They also got cards from their partners from Poland, Portugal, Ukraine, Romania, Slovenia and Czech Republic and could read greetings in English and in the mother tongues of their new friends.

Here is a short video with some photos of the cards. As soon as we are back to school we will display the cards in class as well.

Friday, December 30, 2016

1 smile makes 2 smiles: a new logo!

The last days before Christmas holidays students of class IG voted for the best logo of the etwinning project "1 smile makes 2 smiles".
As the partners teachers decided not to let the students vote for the loges created by themselves we voted for all the logos except for the Italian ones.
We looked at them on the twinspace and each student chose 3 logos to vote for.

Here are some pics from this activity.

In all the partner schools of this project students and teachers did the same and this is the winning logo:


to the Turkish students and thanks a lot for this wonderful logo that represents us all! 

Monday, December 5, 2016

Music and charities: eTwinning project for students of class III H

"Music and charities" is the title of the eTwinning project students of class III H are involved this school year.

The main aims of the project are:

- to improve their skills in English as a second language;
- to improve their skills in statistics in Maths;
- to be aware of the notion of citizenship;

- to improve their skills in working in teams (national and transnational teams) and collaborating via internet;
- to  improve their digital skills in order to become digital citizens;
- to make them aware of the different cultures and be tolerant;
- to to get involved into charities and make them European citizens.

Our partner is a French school and students will work in mixed nationality teams.

Here is a map of our project.

Both French and Italian students have started to introduce themselves and to present their schools.

Italian students created this presentation of their school using google slides for the first time: they worked in teams and added their descriptions, photos and video in the presentation. They also created the questions for their French partners to be answered.

1. What subjects do we study?
2. What can you find in the science lab?
3. How many students are there in our class?
4. Do we use the computer room?
5. What do we do in the Great Hall?
6. Are we involved in some charity porjects?
7. What instruments can you find in the music room?
8. What sports do we do in the gym?
9. How many classes are there in our school?

Making Films, Making Friends: our school

Students of class III G created a presentation on their school for the etwinning project "Making Films, Making Friends" using google slides for the first time.
They worked in teams, took pictures and described the rooms of the school and some of the projects they are involved and been involved in so far in a collaborative and friendly way.

Here is their work.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

1 Smile Makes 2 Smiles

1 Smile Makes 2 Smiles is title of a new eTwinning project for  students of class I G.
This project is focused on sharing happiness and promoting understanding among nations, friendshop and international collaboration. Students of partner schools will work on several tasks such as collaborative video making, designing logos, posters and T-shirt, writing "happy" journals and looking for ways to make others happy.


• Promote understanding among nations, friendship and international collaboration;
• Share happiness;
• Show the importance of positive attitude; 
• Let students collaborate with foreign peers;
• Let students work in teams, collaborate, communicate, plan, be creative, solve problems, present results and evaluate;
• Promote modern ways of teaching and learning;
• Develop competencies (special focus on social and civic competence, communication in foreign languages, digital competence, cultural awareness and expression, sense of initiative and entrepreneurship);
• Increase students’ motivation towards learning; 
• Improve students’ English skills; 
• Bring European dimension to schools. 

After students have created their profile in the twinspace of the project and after having created a video to introduce themselves they are now working on drawing the logo for the project. 
Here is a padlet with all the logos:

Made with Padlet

Our school by II G

Students of class II G created a presentation on their school for their friends of the eTwinning project "Let's play EU 60".
They have been divided in teams and two of them worked on a video and audio presentation of their school.
First they decided what to describe, then they wrote some sentences on the place or on the project they choose and at last they recorded their descriptions using an iPad and the app called "Sparkadobe".

Here is the result: it's really a very nice job!

Other teams are working on the description of their town and region. Their work will come soon!

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Seminario regionale etwinning Umbria

Oggi 15 novembre si è svolto il seminario regionale eTwinning Umbria presso l'IIS Cavour-Marconi-Pascal di Perugia.

Qui potete trovare alcuni materiali utilizzati.

Padlet 1

Made with Padlet

Padlet 2

Made with Padlet


Wednesday, November 9, 2016

eTwinning in action all'I. C. Attigliano - Guardea

Lunedì 07 novembre 2016 ho avuto l'opportunità di presentare le potenzialità di eTwinning  a un gruppo di colleghi dell'I. C. Attigliano - Guardea (TR). 
Abbiamo iniziato con un brainstorming utilizzando il tool "answergarden" per rompere il ghiaccio e per confrontarci.

La D. S. Elvira Busà ha inrodutto i lavori sottolineando l'importanza di etwinning in una didattica per competenze in un'ottica di cittadinanza digitale ed europea. 

In seguito ho illustrato alcuni degli aspetti della piattaforma, gli obiettivi principali, i vantaggi e gli svantaggi con il powerpoint che potete trovare qui

Sono passata poi passata direttamente sulla piattaforma ad illustrare come ricercare un partner, come aprire un progetto, ecc. 

 I docenti già in possesso di un account etwinning hanno avuto la possibilità di provare la piattaforma in tempo reale e tutti hanno comunque avuto modo di vederne le pagine principali. 

Infine ho anche lasciato i "compiti per casa": ho chiesto, tra le altre cose, di scrivere un commento sul padlet seguente. 

Made with Padlet

Ancora un grande GRAZIE a tutti per l'attenzione, l'interesse, la voglia di mettersi in gioco che mi avete trasmesso! 

Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Halloween 2016!

To all my students of school "L. Da Vinci e O. Nucula" in Terni, here is a "thinglink" with info on the hisotry of Halloween and of the Jack O' Lantern.

Click on the icons on the image below to discover info and to watch videos on Halloween.

Hope you have fun!

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Let's play EU 60: an etwinning project on the European Union

This year is the 60th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome with which the basis of the European Union were created. Class II G of the school "L. Da Vinci e O. Nucula" in Terni will celebrate this event through an etwinning project together with other two schools from France and Spain. 

The main aims of this project are: 

- to work in teams,
- to share ideas and methods of work both among sts and teachers,
- to improve their English (writing and speaking),
- to use ICT to improve their technical skills,
- to present their towns, their countries and some EU institutions using ICT tools and creating games: online games (using learning apps and appinventor, QR codes), boardgames, quizzes,
- to get to know other EU countries and cultures, to broaden their horizons through realizing we are part of a bigger community: the UE, to make EU friends

Here are the names of the teachers and the schools we will work with. 

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Making Films, Making Friends!

Students of class III G will be involved in the eTwinning project "making Films, Making Friends" together with students from France, Norway, Portugal and Poland.

The main aims of the projects are: 

- to work in international teams
- to share ideas and methods of work both among sts and teachers
- to use ICT
- to create stories in English to create a short film
- to improve English writing and speaking skills
- to get to know other EU countries and cultures
- to broaden students' horizons through realizing we are part of a bigger community: the UE
- to make EU friends

So the pupils will work with peers from Europe and will realize short stories and short movies out of the stories.

As a start we create the map of our project and we will continue introducing ourselves.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Present simple or present continuous?

Dear students of classes II G and II H here are some links with useful exercises where you have to choose either the present simple or the present continuous.
Try them!




What are you going to do?

Students of classes III H and III G started studying "to be going to" to talk about their future.

 Here are links to some exercises

I am going to read a book.
I am not going to read a book.
Am I going to read a book?
you / we / they
You are going to read a book.
You are not going to read a book.
Are you going to read a book?
he / she / it
He is going to read a book.
He is not going to read a book.
Is he going to read a book?



And this is a nice video to watch

And a song too!

Countries and nationalities (classes I G - I H)

Dear first year students here are some links with useful exercises to learn countries and nationalities.



Here is a song ... can you sing it?

Let's try together!

Friday, September 16, 2016

Let's celebrate the European Day of Languages with us!

September 26th is the European Day of Languages and this year some students at "O. Nucula" school in Terni will celebrate it taking part in the following eTwinning project "Let's celebrate the European Day of Languages with us!"

These are the teachers and the schools involved in the project so far.

The main aims of this project are: 

- to raise awareness of the Europe’s rich linguistic diversity

- to encourage lifelong language learning in and out of school
- to familiarize with the sounds and the alphabet of other European languages
- to  develop their creativity
- to learn about other European countries in a fun way

The first activities are:

- see where the partner countries are situated on a map
- write postcards both in English and in Italian and send them to other European schools
- receive postcards from the other countries taking part in the project.

There will also be other activities to be carried out later which we will share.

Here are some of the postcards Italian students prepared.