"A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality" (John Lennon)

Monday, September 26, 2011

European Day of Languages

Today is the European Day of Languages. In 2001 the Council of Europe decided to celebrate the importance of languages, the importance of being able to communicate among different people throughout Europe.

The overall objectives of this initiative are to raise awareness of:

  • Europe’s rich linguistic diversity, which must be preserved and enhanced;
  • the need to diversify the range of languages people learn (to include less widely used languages), which results in plurilingualism;
  • the need for people to develop some degree of proficiency in two languages or more to be able to play their full part in democratic citizenship in Europe.
You can find more info here: http://edl.ecml.at/

To celebrate this day in the schools of Lugnano and Giove the students made posters with different ways of saying CIAO. 

To create the posters the students:
1. searched the net to find out the official languages spoken in the EU;
2. looked up in online dictionaries the word CIAO in the languages the teachers asked them to find;
3. wrote the word in balloons or in hand-shaped piece of papers and colored them according to the colors of the flag of the country the language is spoken;
4. glued the balloons on the poster, together with the logo and the stickers found in http://edl.ecml.at/.

We also made videos using the greetings we learnt. 


  1. Congratulazione, come siete di bravi!!!
    Vi visitiamo dalla Spagna e ci piace molto il vostro blog, dove sempre troviamo delle belle iniziative. Ci piace tanto il vostro lavoro.

    Noi parliamo la nostra madre lingua, che è il valenzano, anche lo spagnolo e impariamo l'inglese e l'italiano.
    Potete vederci con i nostri amici italiani della scuola di lingue di Sagunto (Valencia)


    Adéu, adiós, bye, arrivederci!!!!

  2. Thank you for your nice comments. I'll visit your blog too!
    have a nice and happy school year.
