"A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality" (John Lennon)

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King

Students of classes III As and III E here you can find two thinglinks one on Rosa Parks and the other on Martin Luther King.

Under each presentation you have some questions to answer to that can be useful for the end of year exams. There are also videos and very nice songs to listen to and we will discuss about them in class.

1. When and where was she born?
2. What was her job?
3. What was she famous for?
4. What did she do?
5. What prizes was she awarded?
6. When and where did she die?

1. When and where was he born?
2. What was his job?
3. What was he famous for?
4. What did he do?
5. What prizes was he awarded?
6. When and where did he die?
7. When and where did he made his famous speech "I have a dream"?
8. What was the speech about?

Saturday, March 26, 2016

The Old Man and European food!

The Old Man with his FIAT 600 is still travelling around Europe: he started from Italy, then went to France, visited Finland and is about to leave Norway to go to Portugal. +
During his wonderful journey he saw a lot of new things, explored cities and unknown places and also tested new food.

Thanks to the stories created by European students and to some info they gave us on a padlet in the twinspace of our etwinning project, Italian students created this presentation and had the chance to learn what their friends eat and also to use a new tool that is google apps (presentation). We shared this presentation here using another tool that is slideshare.

Some EU countries

Students of class II As created presentations on some EU countries within the eTwinning project "ESTV".
The students of the partner schools prepared questions on their own countries to be answered by students of other countries and shared them in the twinspace.

So Italian students worked in small groups of 3 and made presentations using different programs such as word, powerpoint, powtoon and to share them on the internet we used box, slideshare and youtube.

The most beautiful thing was to see students reading the questions and looking for the info they needed to answer them by themselves. They asked me only a little help after having found what they were looking for. I was going around them and I really enjoyed to see them involved in searching, analyzing, investigating, choosing what they needed to create their presentation.
It was also a great moment when they showed their work to all the class, they were proud of their own work and interested in the works of the others. 
Nevertheless they learnt a lot of aspects related to the countries their friends live in. 

Videos created using powtoon and shared using youtube. 

Doc created using word and shared using box.

Presentation created using powerpoint and share using slideshare. 

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

ESTV eTwinning project: Skype session!

Today we finally succeed in having a Skype session with our Croatian friends of ESTV eTwinning project.
It was an amazing experience and we really enjoyed it a lot. We were all happy about it also because it is not easy to find some time to talk together due to the different timetables each school has.

Students of both countries asked and answered very simple questions and were able to communicate with their peers, with real people!

Among the questions there were:

What's your name?
How old are you?
What are your hobbies?
What do you do in your free time?
What's your favourite subject at school?
What time does your school start/finish?

Thanks again dear friends! 

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Talking about problems and giving advice

Students of class 3 E are studying should and could too just like their friends of class 3 As and we thought of creating two padlets where they can share their problems and give advice to their friends.
They can use their real names, nicknames or invented names.

The activity is as follow:
- students think about 2-3 issues each;
- they write the issues on the padlet called "Teen issues" that is both here and in "edmodo";
- they can use their real names or they can use a nickname or an invented name.

After finishing writing all the posts:
- all the students read the issues their mates wrote
- try to find a solution to at least 2-3 issues each
- post their solutions in the padlet called "Teen advice column"

At the end of this activity students will discuss in groups about the advice and decide if they agree or disagree with the replies.

Friday, March 11, 2016

eTwinning e non solo: secondo incontro all'IC B BRIN - Terni

Oggi pomeriggio si è svolto il secondo incontro "eTwinning e non solo" all'Istituto Comprensivo "B. Brin" di Terni.

Abbiamo iniziato con un test su quello che avevamo fatto la scorsa volta proprio come in una classe con i nostri alunni! Per il test abbiamo usato Socrative così abbiamo anche scoperto un nuovo strumento da poter utilizzare con gli studenti.

Abbiamo poi proseguito ad esplorare la piattaforma eTwinning e i materiale per l'autoformazione e alcune attività che si possono svolgere nell'ambito dei progetti eTwinning.

Siamo poi passati ad illustrare la piattaforma didattica Edmodo e alcune delle possibilità che offre. I docenti presenti si sono iscritti a un gruppo creato per loro in cui poter sperimentare la condivisione di link e documenti.

Sono stati presentati padlet e alcune delle google apps, in particolare abbiamo visto come creare e condividere i documenti e le presentazioni.

L'incontro è terminato con la consegna dei compiti per casa: riflessioni e pensieri dopo i due incontri! 

Ancora un grande GRAZIE a tutti! 

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Teens issues and advice

3rd year students are studying how to ask for and give advice using the structures should and could.
So this morning we had the idea of creating a teen column similar to the one you find in magazines and we also imagined that in their ideal school there is a place where to talk about teen issues and discuss about their solutions.

The activity is as follow:
- students think about 2-3 issues each;
- they write the issues on the padlet called "Teen issues" that is both here and in "edmodo";
- they can use their real names or they can use a nickname or an invented name.

After finishing writing all the posts:
- all the students read the issues their mates wrote
- try to find a solution to at least 2-3 issues each
- post their solutions in the padlet called "Teen advice column"

At the end of this activity students will discuss in groups about the advice and decide if they agree or disagree with the replies.