"A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality" (John Lennon)

Sunday, February 28, 2016

The Old Man comprehension activities.

Students of class II B created some comprehension activities on the stories of The Old Man within the etwinning project
First they  invented the activities and wrote them on their notebook, 
then they created documents on the PC to share with their European mates,
finally they created the activities using "Learning apps" (https://learningapps.org).

Of course these are exercises on a game-shape and the students have fun while doing them and in this way the learn having fun.

Creating the activities allowed the students:
- to think about the grammar to use
- to decide wether to use affirmative or interrogative form
- do choose if to use the present simple or the past simple
- to read their stories again and decide which ones were the keywords or the most important words to create a wordsearch or the hangman and to create the hangman they had also to think about a hint to give.

In this way all the students were involved in using both English at their own level and developing their digital skills. 

Here are the stories with all the activities created so far. 

Friday, February 26, 2016

eTwinning all'Istituto Comprensivo "B. Brin" - Terni

Oggi presso la sede centrale dell'I. C. "B. Brin" di Terni si è svolto il primo incontro sul "digitale".

Abbiamo iniziato con eTwinning e la prima attività è stata quella di condividere, attraverso un brainstorming usando answergarden, le nostre idee su cosa questa "strana" parola potesse significare.

Ho poi proseguito dando un voce ad alunni, colleghi e genitori che hanno avuto esperienze di progetti eTwinning negli anni passati con questo video condiviso in youtube e creato con powtoon.

Sono poi passata ad illustrare, attraverso un prezi, obiettivi e vantaggi di eTwinning

Al termine della presentazione abbiamo iniziato ad esplorare la piattaforma eTwinning live e visto le opportunità che offre a livello di didattica progettuale, formazione e aggiornamento, come si cerca un partner, come si attiva un progetto, quali modalità di comunicazione tra alunni ecc.

Al termine dell'incontro, come ogni brava prof, ho voluto fare una prova di comprensione, vedere se le mie colleghe e i miei colleghi erano stati attenti e ho proposto loro di fare un gioco con kahoot (https://play.kahoot.it/#/k/4d81c463-6824-406e-8903-7034df6938cb) ho visto la stessa identica reazione che hanno i ragazzi: stupore, sorpresa, impaccio iniziale, entusiasmo e "lo rifacciamo"! Non solo ... abbiamo esplorato kahoot un po' più nel dettaglio e visto come si crea un quiz e come si può condividere con altri colleghi.

E' stato davvero un bell'incontro e sono grata alla DS Carmen Maria Clara Iuliano per avermi dato l'opportunità di presentare ai colleghi alcune pratiche didattiche che ci possono aiutare a far sviluppare le competenze chiave e che ritengo siano utili, motivanti, coinvolgenti sia per i nostri alunni che per noi docenti.

Infine un grande 

ai colleghi per l'attenzione, la partecipazione, l'interesse e la voglia di mettersi in gioco che abbiamo condiviso in un clima positivo e anche divertente! 

Alcune foto! 

Monday, February 22, 2016

Let's find the murderer: an etwinning project for class III E

Students of class III E are now part of the etwinning project "Let's find the murderer" together with a French school.

The main objectives of this project are:
- to develop communication skills in English (written and oral)

- to solve  a mystery, together and collaboratively helping each other and sharing information 
- to improve ICT skills 
- to improve mutual comprehension and knowledge between European countries in order to overcome stereotypes and learn to be tolerant
- to encourage pupils to know each other better and to become friends

The students started to introduce themselves using two new apps for them: voki and tellagami.

Here are some examples


Students also created a "Who's who" game to let their French partners guess their names.

This morning Italian students played some of the games French students prepared for them and had a lot of fun.

Friday, February 19, 2016

IN, ON, AT: prepositions of time

As we know in English we use IN, ON, AT as prepositions of time and of place as well.

Here are some exercises to practice IN, ON, AT as prepositions of time.



This is a game you have to play at least in two


Tuesday, February 16, 2016

My summer holidays

Students of classes II As and II Bs are still studying the past tense and we are now focusing on holidays.

Here is a mind map on summer holidays that can be useful to put some ideas together and tell the class about your adventures!

Together we students of classes III As and III E we started talking about Topics both for the Trinity exams (GESE 4) and for the end of year exams and this map can be used by those who would like to talk about their holidays.

After having had a look at the map try to answer all the questions without writing them down. We'll also practice in class.

School is cool: creating logos.

Tuesday last week (Shrove Tuesday!) students of class 3 As started creating logos for the etwinning project "School is cool" using online logo creators such as logomakr and tagul. They worked in pairs giving and asking for advice to each other to reach the best possible result.

In this padlet you can see the results:

Now we will be waiting for our French friends' logos and after the padlet is finished we will vote for the best logo so to choose it as the official one for the project.

Friday, February 5, 2016

A special guest in class II Bs for our etwinning project "The Old Man with his FIAT 600 in Europe"

January 16th we hosted a very special guest in class II Bs in Stroncone: the writer of the Old Man!

Students asked him a lot of questions they were really very curious! 
First we collected questions from all the students of the class and from students from France, Norway and Finland. Then we decided what questions to ask and in what order then he came and we asked all the questions!
The week after students of class II Bs wrote all the answers in a google doc, first in Italian then in English and here is the complete interview both in English and in Italian.

When Pigi Sbaraglia arrived in class we first greeted him and told him the stories with the adventures of the Old Man in Italy that the students invented, then he read a story from his book, finally we asked him questions. Before leaving he also left his signature on the book! 
In the video below you can see the most relevant moments of this meeting. 

It was really interesting, involving and fun and for all these reasons we are grateful and want to say the writer Pigi Sbaraglia a big 

Thursday, February 4, 2016

What do you usually do during the week?

This week 1st year students are studying the daily routine with a lot of possible activities and the time when they are carried out.

Here is a set of cards with games to practice these activities

Clicking on the links below you find some fun exercises, let's try!


In this video you can review the way of telling the time and learn some daily activities.