"A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality" (John Lennon)

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Hour of Code

Last Saturday 1st year students of class 1 As took part in the activity Hour of Code within the "Settimana del PNSD" (you can find more info on PNSD clicking here )

They had the chance to carry out  computing activities and even programming their personal game with Minecraft.

At the beginning the tasks were easy but then they became more demanding and children had to be more concentrated and they worked hard and really very well. Most of them worked in pairs having the opportunity to help each other and to learn from their peer. They also decided what kind of game to realize and do it.

At last we shared all the games created in the following padlet that will also be used in the eTwinning project "Children's toys: yesterday, today, tomorrow ..."

It really was a very fruitful experience: great job! 

Talking about friends and best friends

These last days before Christmas holidays 3rd year students have started studying how to describe people's personality.

Here are two mind maps that can be useful to organize your presentation. Have a look at them and try to describe and important person for you in 3 minutes saying the most relevant things.

Monday, December 7, 2015

The Old Man adventures in Italy (part I)

During these months Italian students have been working on the etwinning project "The Old Man with his FIAT 600 in Europe" and wrote some stories.
Meanwhile the Old Man has been to France and is now on his way to Finland.

Packing in France
Leaving France

The stories have first been written using word and then transformed in books using storyjumper and storykit.

Here are some examples

Book titled 'The Old Man in Gardaland'Read this free book made on StoryJumper

Book titled 'The Old Man with his FIAT 600'Read this free book made on StoryJumper


We will soon share other stories. Meanwhile even other students in Europe are writing the adventures of the Old Man and when we have all of them we will create a wonderful ebook.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

A beautiful intro for our ESTV etwinning project

We have now an intro to include in all our videos with the interviews among students from several European countries.
Each video will have this intro made by a colleague from Croatia Ines Sedlar with all the photos of the schools involved in the project.

Friday, November 27, 2015

eTwinning ambassadors: teachers and students!

Ieri due iniziative in cui docenti e studenti hanno avuto modo di parlare di eTwinning.

A Gubbio (PG) si è svolto il Seminario Regionale eTwinning in cui sono intervenuta come ambasciatrice regionale eTwinning insieme a Patrizia Roma e Maria Teresa Rughi. Dalla NSS è venuta Alexandra Tosi che ha illustrato a tutti i presenti la nuova piattaforma eTwinning live. Al nostro fianco la DS Elvira Busà, Francesco Luciano e Antonella Gambacorta dell'USR.

Tutti insieme
Abbiamo parlato di Competenze, Progetti, Quality Label, app da usare con gli alunni sia all'interno dei progetti eTwinning sia nell'ordinaria attività didattica; abbiamo condiviso dubbi, fatto domande, ascoltato commenti di alunni, genitori, docenti e DS sulle opportunità che questa piattaforma ci offre.

Alexandra Tosi

Maria Teresa Rughi

 Elvira Busà
Patrizia Roma
Chiara Sabatini

Nel frattempo a Stroncone (TR) si è svolto il seminario "Stroncone Smart" in occasione della settimana europea della riduzione dei rifiuti.

Alcuni alunni della classe II As, accompagnati dalla prof.ssa Tania Pulcini, hanno presentato il progetto eTwinning in cui sono coinvolti: "Euroschool TV" (ESTV).
A casa hanno ricercato info e hanno pensato a cosa dire durante l'incontro, a scuola si sono riuniti in sala professori e hanno condiviso, modificato le info e suddiviso tra di loro gli interventi da fare.

Durante il seminario hanno  spiegato ai presenti le principali funzionalità della piattaforma eTwinning 

 sono poi passati a far vedere il TwinSpace del loro progetto e alcune attività già realizzate come il padlet (bacheca virtuale) in cui gli alunni di tutti i paesi si presentano

e le interviste già effettuate.

Davvero un ottimo lavoro! 

Grazie ragazzi!