Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Countries and nationalities

Gli alunni delle prime hanno studiato "Countries and nationalities" e per ripassare e imparare meglio la pronuncia ecco alcuni video.

1st year students studied "Countries and nationalities" and to review and learn the pronunciation better here you find these videos.

And here is a very nice song and I challenge you: "can you sing it?"
Let's try!

Must and have to

3rd year students are now studying Must/Mustn't and have to/has to or don't have to/doesn't have to.
In addition to what we have already said in class and to what you have in your books you can watch this video and click on the links below for another video and to do some online exercises.


Monday, October 28, 2013

Our Comenius Assistant in the school of Giove

Last Thursday 24th October, Nadja, our Comenius Assistant, came to the school in Giove and met the students of all the three classes.
First she had a warm welcome in class II A where the students were holding a banner made by themselves using old sheets and very beautiful colors, 

after that she answered all the questions the pupils asked her 

At the question: "What is your favourite band?" she asked "Dizzy Mizz Lizzy" and, as we didn't know anything about them, we decided to surf the net and once we found a video with a song we listened to it, so we could learn something new about music and we now know something about this Danish rock band. 

Before lunch the students played the mime game, using the present continuous tense, that we had just studied and all the pupils took part in the game very actively, had a lot of fun and practice English. 

At 1.30 pm Nadja had lunch with all the students and the teachers in the school canteen and had the chance of experience our Italian way of being cheerful!

After lunch we had lesson with the children of class I A who also welcomed her very nicely and happily with a handmade card and a paper banner.

We showed her a power point presentation on Giove and some students told her some historical information on this village. 

Later I told them a ghost story "The ghost of the little girl" that is a tale about a little girl's ghost in the castle of Giove, 

and Rachele told her the legend of Penna in Teverina in Italian and Natalia translated it in English. 

Finally we also had some activities in class III A where the students had cleaned the classroom and tidied the teacher's desk before we arrived! All the boys were waiting for Nadja near the window and gave her the card Lucrezia made and the awesome paper flowers Nicoleta created. 

Then they asked a lot of questions and had a very interesting conversation with Nadja about the school system in Denmark and the differences between the Italian and the Danish system. 

All the students had the chance of speaking English with Nadja, asking her a lot of questions and could also discover a lot of things about Denmark

and something even about Danish, the language spoken in this country. 

Time really went on so quickly we didn't even realize it was time to go home!

for this great day, 
we hope you will come back 
to spend another day with us!

Sunday, October 27, 2013


Could is used:
- to talk about abilities in the past: I could ride a bike when I was five years old
- to make a request: Could you open the window please?
- to talk about possibilities: Mary could teach us how to play a new card game

Here is a video on could and some more ways of talking about possibilities.

Can: ability and permission

Dear 3rd year students (III D) as we are revising Can/Can't (ability and permission), here you find a video about it.
I hope you enjoy and learn from this video!

Next lesson we will practice and do some speaking activities to improve your language skills.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Translation Competition 2013-2014 part II

Chapter II by November 4th

 Chapter III-IV by November 4th

Article by November 4th

Monday, October 14, 2013

Quality labels

Last school year (2012-2013) we took part in several etwinning project and some days ago I received an email with the news that we had been awarded 4 Quality Labels for the following projects:

Happy European Day of Languages 2012 (classes: II A, I D, II D, I G, II G, II C, II E) 

Pics and facts from Europe (class III A)

Let's become tourist guides (class II D)

A song a month (class II A)

I'm really proud of the work we did together and I would like to say a big

 to all the students who took part in these projects and to all the teachers both from our school and from all the schools of the other countries. We really had a great chance of getting to know each other better, our cultures and to practice and improve English. 

Last school year a lot of students had a wonderful experience thanks to their work, their teachers' work and thanks to eTwinning!

We have already started new projects and we hope we will keep up the good job!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Inaugurazione anno scolastico 2013-2014

Lunedì scorso si è svolta la cerimonia di inaugurazione dell'anno scolastico a Guardea.
Erano presenti alunni da tutti i plessi dell'Istituto Attigliano-Guardea, che presto avrà un nuovo nome, i genitori, gli insegnanti, il Dirigente Scolastico, i rappresentanti delle amministrazioni comunali, e di alcune associazioni con cui la scuola collabora. 

Era presente anche un'ospite speciale: Nadja, l'assistente Comeius che viene dalla Danimarca e che rimarrà con noi fino a Dicembre. Siamo tutti molti contenti di averla a scuola perché sarà sicuramente una risorsa preziosa con la quale potremo creare continue occasioni di confronto culturale e gli alunni potranno usare la lingua inglese per comunicare con lei sia a scuola sia fuori. 

Quindi siamo tutti lieti di dirle: WELCOME NADJA

Dopo il saluto del Dirigente Scolastico, del Sindaco di Guardea e dell'Assessore all'Istruzione, i bambini della scuola dell'infanzia ci hanno intrattenuto con dei canti e gli alunni della scuola primaria e secondaria con uno spettacolo teatrale. 

La festa è poi proseguita con attività sportive nel campetto e si è conclusa con un gradito rinfresco nel cortile della scuola. 

"Per educare bisogna uscire da se stessi e stare in mezzo ai giovani, accompagnarli nelle tappe della loro crescita mettendosi al loro fianco. Donate loro la speranza, ottimismo per il loro cammino nel mondo" (Papa Francesco)


Saturday, October 5, 2013

Translation competition 2013-2014 part I

A new school year has started and, as a tradition now, even the Translation Competition starts again. 
This year 3rd year students will translate a story of Flat Stanley or Mercy Watson, or an article taken from the British newspaper "First News". 
The students will translate a chapter or two every two weeks and give the text in Italian to the teacher who will correct and mark it. At the end of the school year the best translation will be awarded a prize. 
So let's start and GOOD LUCK!

Chapter I by October 21st

 Chapter I-II by October 21st

Article by October 21st

Thursday, October 3, 2013

What do you usually eat for ....?

Here you find two old posts on food with videos, online exercises, flashcards to practice and learn more about food in a nice way. 
Just click on the links below.
