Thursday, September 29, 2011

Translation Competition: the rules.

Some 3rd year students will take part in the Translation Competition (First Edition).
They have to translate a chapter every two weeks and give their work to the teacher. This competition will last all the school year and in June the winners will get a prize.

Here you find the rules (Regolamento) of the competition:

Art. 1. L'Istituto Comprensivo di Attigliano bandisce un concorso di traduzione che consiste in una traduzione dall’inglese all’italiano inedita e mai veicolata sul web, articolato nella sezione ragazzi: alunni classi terze di Scuola Secondaria di Primo Grado dei plessi di Attigliano, Alviano, Giove e Lugnano.
Art. 2. I partecipanti al concorso dovranno consegnare la traduzione capitolo per capitolo di una storia concordata con le proprie insegnanti di classe La partecipazione è facoltativa e individuale o a piccoli gruppi.
Art. 2 bis. Non è consentito l’uso di traduttori. E’ consigliato l’uso di dizionari bilingue e dzionari illustrati sia cartacei che online (alcuni link utili si trovano sul blog
Art. 3 Gli elaborati dovranno essere corredati dal nome, cognome, classe di appartenenza dell'alunno/a e dell’anno scolastico.
Art. 6. Gli elaborati dovranno essere consegnati alla docente di lingua inglese di ciascun plesso entro e non oltre le date stabilite di volta in volta (probabilmente ogni due settimane).
Art. 7. Gli elaborati dovranno pervenire in formato cartaceo e scritte a mano con la penna. Gli elaborati verranno riconsegnati dopo la correzione. Le traduzioni vincitrici, o brani di queste potranno essere pubblicate sul blog “”.
Art. 8. Verrà premiata la miglior traduzione per ogni classe. La giuria, il cui giudizio è inappellabile, si riserva di assegnare riconoscimenti speciali.
Art. 9. La premiazione avverrà il giorno della manifestazione di fine anno scolastico che si terrà in ogni plesso. Nello stesso giorno verrà allestita una mostra con una parte degli elaborati.
Art. 10. Il premio consiste in materiale utile allo svolgimento delle attività scolastiche ed è offerto dalle docenti.
Art. 11. Verrà costituita una giuria unica per tutto l’Istituto composta dalle docenti di lingua inglese Prof.ssa Sabatini, Prosf.ssa Coniglio.
Art. 12. La partecipazione al concorso implica l'accettazione delle norme del presente regolamento.
Il presente regolamento verrà affisso nelle classi terze di tutti i plessi di scuola secondaria di primo grado e sarà disponibile online sul blog curato dalla Prof.ssa Chiara Sabatini

Do you remember these two characters?

Mercy Watson
They are the characters of the stories students will translate. 
If you want to know a bit more about them, click on the links below:

Monday, September 26, 2011

European Day of Languages

Today is the European Day of Languages. In 2001 the Council of Europe decided to celebrate the importance of languages, the importance of being able to communicate among different people throughout Europe.

The overall objectives of this initiative are to raise awareness of:

  • Europe’s rich linguistic diversity, which must be preserved and enhanced;
  • the need to diversify the range of languages people learn (to include less widely used languages), which results in plurilingualism;
  • the need for people to develop some degree of proficiency in two languages or more to be able to play their full part in democratic citizenship in Europe.
You can find more info here:

To celebrate this day in the schools of Lugnano and Giove the students made posters with different ways of saying CIAO. 

To create the posters the students:
1. searched the net to find out the official languages spoken in the EU;
2. looked up in online dictionaries the word CIAO in the languages the teachers asked them to find;
3. wrote the word in balloons or in hand-shaped piece of papers and colored them according to the colors of the flag of the country the language is spoken;
4. glued the balloons on the poster, together with the logo and the stickers found in

We also made videos using the greetings we learnt. 

Friday, September 23, 2011

The English Alphabet

This morning with 1st year students we reviewed the alphabet and here is the song I promised!
[Questa mattina con gli alunni di prima abbiamo ripassato l'alfabeto, ecco la canzone che avevo promesso!]

I also found an other nice song, listen to it and try to make the exercises. Click on the link below.
[Ho trovato anche un'altra canzone, ascoltatela e provate a fare gli esercizi]. Fare clic sul link sotto.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


This school year 3rd year students will use edmodo.
Here are some more info about this new teaching - learning tool.

What is edmodo?
Edmodo is a free, online learning space designed specially for schools.
What can students do with it?
They can:
  • send messages to their year group page for all their classmates to look at and reply to;
  • upload and share: files, pictures or website links with their friends;
  • hand in work to be marked online by a teacher;
  • take part in polls;
  • earn badges to display on their profile page.
Is edmodo a safe place?
Yes it is! In fact whilst it may look like Facebook, it is much more child-friendly. Children can only access and send messages to their whole year group - they can't send private messages between each other and no strangers can 'friend' them. Messages appear online instantly to allow for real-time discussions to take place. Staff at Parkfield can see everyone's messages and regularly monitor them. Children are taught about the importance of only writing nice, sensible messages during e-safety lessons in school, however staff can respond to any unsuitable messages by editing or deleting them. Repeat offenders can also be stopped from writing any messages - gaining just 'read-only' access instead.

Can parents join edmodo?
Parents are welcome to join Edmodo to monitor what their child is doing. Parent accounts let you:
  • send messages to your child and their teacher;
  • view some messages from your child's year group that we select as being interesting;
  • view homework 'assignments' put onto Edmodo and what your child has handed in for them;
  • view any messages sent between a teacher and your child (e.g. feedback on their work/their marks).

    And now a video introducing edmodo:

    So now we are ready to start this new adventure in our 3rd year classes!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Introducing Myself

2nd and 3rd year students

Here is a mind map to help you prepare your oral presentation about yourself. I only put some ideas, you can add your own ideas when introducing yourself.
As it is my first map it is not perfect but I hope I'll become more and more expert at creating maps and I'm sure taht with your help we'll create great maps!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Book Report

Dear students, 
you'll start to borrow English books from the English Library at school very soon.
When you borrow a book you can have it for a month and, after you read it, I recommend you to fill in a book report. 
You give the book report to me the day you bring the book back and then you will have your work corrected and graded.

Cari studenti,
inizierete a prendere libri inglesi dalla biblioteca della scuola molto presto. 
Quando prendete un libro in prestito potete tenerlo per un mese e, dopo averlo letto, vi consiglio di compilare il "book report".
Mi consegnerete il "book report" il giorno in cui riporterete il libro e il vostro lavoro verrò corretto e valutato.




Main charcaters


Favourite sentence


Sunday, September 11, 2011


A new school year is about to start and I want to wish you a very nice time at school, a time I hope we will

Welcome to everybody

teacher Chiara

Friday, September 2, 2011

Mercy Watson

3rd year students

After Flat Stanely (see post Flat Stanley), now is the turn of an other character we are going to meet this year:  
Mercy Watson

And here the same question for you:

who is Mercy Watson?

If you find interesting info, links, websites about him you can click on "comments" and write a comment on this post! 

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Here is a new kind of post! This is a GLOGSTER! And when I become more competent in using it I'll teach you too! I hope you like it!